Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Learning to Paddle (Nov 22nd)

Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School this week and we are going to learn to paddle.  This an important skill to learn if you plan to use a canoe. 

Please bring your indoor shoes tonight as we will be playing games.


Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Beavers Investiture (Nov 8th)

Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School in full uniform this week as we will be inversting our new members.  We will also be preparing for the Remembrance Day Parade on November 11th.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Beavers Halloween Party 2017 (Nov 1st)

This week we will be meeting at the Parkallen School for our annual Halloween Party.  Please dress up in costume for some fun games and treats.