Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Story Corner with Rusty (Nov 26)

Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School this week. Rusty has found one of her favourite books titled "The Zlooksh" that she wants to share with you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Snow Flakes & Beavers (Nov 19th)

Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School this week.  Bubbles will be teaching the Beavers the secret art of how to make snow that does not melt. We will be working on the next chapter of Friends of the Forest and having fund with song and games.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Beavers - No meeting this Week (Nov12th)

There will be no meeting this week as leaders and Venturers need to recharge after Fall Camp.  We will be back at the Parkallen School Gym next week on November 19th.

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Beaver Investiture 2014 (Nov 5th)

Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School in full uniform this week as we will be inversting our new members.  We will also be preparing for our upcoming Fall Camp on November 7th - 9th.