Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Friends of the Forest (Jan 28th)

Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School this week for another adventure in the Friends of the Forest.  Bubbles and Ringtail has planned games and crafts for an exciting time at the pond.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Games Night at the Pond (Jan 21st)

Bubbles, Ringtail and Rusty have decided that it was time to challenge the beavers by having them compete in a series of fun and exciting games this week at the Parkallen School.  Beavers are expected to bring their indoor shoes and get plenty of rest.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Play Dough Fun at the Pond (Jan 14th)

Rusty has been in her secret laboratory located 4.8 km below the Earth's surface making her next creation of fun for this week's Beavers meeting.

See you at our regular meeting this week at the Parkallen School.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

First Beaver Meeting of 2015 (Jan 7th)

Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School Gym this week starting at 6:30 PM.  Bubbles, Ringtail and Rusty have been working hard over the holidays to make 2015 a fun year.  Please bring your indoor shoes and get plenty of rest as tomorrow will be a busy day.