Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Beaver Lodges (Oct 18th)

Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen school this week.  Our investiture ceremony is coming up so we will be reviewing the Beaver Law, Motto and Promise.

Also,  we will be working on our new lodges and activity planning for Beaver Scouting Year.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Beavers Annual Fall Nature Walk (Oct 11th)

Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School this week to take part in our annual Fall Nature Walk through the Parkallen Neighbourhood. We will be delivering flyers for our upcoming Bottle Drive / Food Bank Drive taking place on October 14th. Please dress in uniform and dress for the weather.


Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Beaver Fall Camp

Beavers spent last weekend at Camp Evansburg for our annual Fall Camp. 

We went on a nature hike and learned about the different plants and trees and how to identify them.  Beavers also learnt about water safety and what to do when you are near a river.

We started teaching beavers about fire.  First the beavers learnt the three parts that make a fire and fire safety by making a fire snack (marshmallows for rocks, pretzel sticks for wood, nibs for fire).  Later we went out to gather materials to make a real fire.

Beavers went on a hunt for animal tracks and plaster cast any that we found.  We also went on a garbage pick up to help keep the trails, forest and camps clean.

Best of all was playing games with all sections at camp, food fear factor and campfire.