Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School this week. Please bring your outdoor jackets as we will be out and about learning about and collecting leaves.
Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School this week. Bubbles, Rusty and Ringtail have some unusual games and crafts planned for this week. Make sure you get plenty of rest because you will need it this week.
The Beavers will be taking on a challenge from the Scouts, Cubs and Vents on who has better skills at navigating. Best place to do this challenge is to enter the Corn Maze. Please arrive at 6:20 pm at the Edmonton Corn Maze and dress for the weather and bring a flashlight.
Beavers will be meeting at the Parkallen School Gym this week starting at 6:30 PM. Bubble, Ringtail and Rusty have fun craft and games planned this week. The colony will work on teamwork as we will be going on a trip that will test these skill and it will be a-maizing.