Monday, November 24, 2008

Beaver Swim

Only two meetings left before winter break and why not go for a family swim. Our Next meeting will be at the Scona Pool on November 26th starting at 6:30 PM.  The Scona Pool is located at 10450 - 72 Ave.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Next Meeting November 19th

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I would like to thank all of you who were able to march at the Remembrance Day Parade this past week. Our group has been participating in the Remembrance Day Parade for the past seven years and as always a wonderful experience. This year one of our own Scouts had the honor to lay a wreath on behalf of our group, 24th Parkallen Scout Group, and on the behalf of Scouts Canada.

Sorry for the short notice and change in this posting but I had my days mixed up. There is a change of plans for our next meeting. We will be going on a hike through the Mill Creek Ravine. We will be meeting at the Old Timer’s Cabin located at 9430 - 99th St. N.W. (Scona Road), at 6:30 PM. Please dress for the weather and bring a flashlight. Sunshine will be bringing the hot chocolate to help keep us warm.

If the weather is too cold we will be meeting at the school.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Remembrance

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Remembrance Day Parade

24th Parkallen Scout Group will be participating in the Remembrance Day Parade on November 11th at the U of A Butter Dome. Please arrive before 10:00 AM and gather at the Southwest end of the Butter Dome Gym Floor. You will need to wear your full uniform and dress pants or jeans. Please confirm if you are able to attend or not as I need to confirm the number of seats I need to reserve.

There will be no meeting this week on November 12th but we will be meeting back at the school next week on November 19th.


Monday, November 03, 2008

Getting Ready for Remembrance Day

Our meeting this week will be at the school where we will be getting ready for Remembrance Day. Our group will be participating this year in the Remembrance Day Parade at the University of Alberta Butter Dome on November 11th.