Friday, October 31, 2008
Insect night
They're Creepy! They're Crawly!! They stink!!! They are in your Food!!! They can dance?!!!!!!
These were some of the characteristics Scouter Gerry was able to show the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts of 24th Parkallen at the U of A Entomology Lab.
Here are some of the bugs we saw:
These were some of the characteristics Scouter Gerry was able to show the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts of 24th Parkallen at the U of A Entomology Lab.
Here are some of the bugs we saw:
Monday, October 20, 2008
Stuff a Semi for Santa

The St. John's 22nd Scout Troop of Edmonton is organizing the 2nd annual "Stuff a Semi" event for the Youth Emergency Shelter.
You can join them at the Walmart parking lot, Stony Plain Road and 184 St, on Sunday October 26 be 10 AM and 4 PM to help.
The Edmonton Oil Kings are also supporting this event with a "Bring a donation and join us at the game on October 22.
For more information please contact 780-690-4327 or check out the Facebook event page "Stuff a Semi" or email or
A Big Thank You

I would like to thank all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Parents and all volunteers who came out and helped make this a successful bottle drive for 2008. I would also like to thank the residents of Parkallen who donated all the bottles and food for the Edmonton Food Bank, friends and relatives who donated their bottles and especially the St. John's 22nd Scout Troop (who was conducting their own bottle drive) for all their help in unloading our cars, vans and boat.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Bottle Drive and Next Meeting

Our next Beaver meeting will be at the Parkallen School on October 15th at 6:30 PM.
On October 18th we have our first Bottle Drive fundraiser. It all starts at 9:00 AM and ends by 1:00 PM. Flyers will be delivered this week and all we have to do is collect the bottles. We will deliver the bottles to the Strathcona Bottle Depot through out the day. Best of all we do not have to sort. I hope to see you all there.

Photos From Corn Maze
All these pictures are from my cell phone camera. I removed all photos that contained my thumb.


Can you spot the lost Cubs?

Looking for the next trail marker.

Walking in circles.
All in all the Beavers came dressed for the weather with their flashlights and beat the Cubs and Scouts out of the maze for the third straight year.
Yeah Beavers.


Can you spot the lost Cubs?

Looking for the next trail marker.

Walking in circles.
All in all the Beavers came dressed for the weather with their flashlights and beat the Cubs and Scouts out of the maze for the third straight year.
Yeah Beavers.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Corn Maze

All sections of the 24th Parkallen Scout Group will be off to challenge the Edmonton Corn Maze on October 8, 2008 at 6:30 PM.
The Beavers have beaten the Cubs and Scouts for the past two years and Sunshine, Rainbow and I believe we can do it a third straight year.
Below is a map to the Corn Maze.